What are the requirements for a complete accelerated examination support document (AESD)?

What are the requirements for a complete accelerated examination support document (AESD)?

A complete accelerated examination support document (AESD) must include the following elements:

  • A statement that a preexamination search was conducted, including an identification of the field of search by United States class and subclass and the date of the search, where applicable, and, for database searches, the search logic or chemical structure or sequence used as a query, the name of the file or files searched and the database service, and the date of the search.
  • An information disclosure statement (IDS) citing each reference deemed most closely related to the subject matter of each of the claims.
  • For each reference cited, an identification of all the limitations in the claims that are disclosed by the reference.
  • A detailed explanation of how each of the claims is patentable over the references cited.
  • A concise statement of the utility of the invention as defined in each of the independent claims.

As stated in MPEP 708.02(a): “The accelerated examination support document must include an information disclosure statement in compliance with 37 CFR 1.98 citing each reference deemed most closely related to the subject matter of each of the claims.”

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Tags: patent application, patent examination