What are the limitations of limited recognition in patent matters?

Limited recognition in patent matters comes with several restrictions:

  • Scope limitation: As stated in 37 CFR 11.9(a), ‘Limited recognition under this paragraph shall not extend further than the application or applications specified.’
  • Duration for nonimmigrant aliens: According to 37 CFR 11.9(b), ‘Limited recognition shall be granted for a period consistent with the terms of authorized employment or training.’
  • Geographical restrictions: The same regulation states, ‘Limited recognition shall not be granted or extended to a non-United States citizen residing abroad.’
  • Automatic expiration: For nonimmigrant aliens, ‘Limited recognition shall automatically expire upon the nonimmigrant alien’s departure from the United States.’

These limitations ensure that limited recognition is granted only for specific circumstances and does not provide the same broad authority as full registration as a patent practitioner.

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Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent matters