What are the file size limitations for biological sequence listings in patent applications?

The file size limitations for biological sequence listings in patent applications are as follows:

  • Sequence listings up to 100KB can be included in the specification or submitted as a text file via EFS-Web or PatentCenter.
  • Sequence listings between 100KB and 100MB can be submitted as ASCII text files or PDF files via EFS-Web or PatentCenter.
  • Sequence listings larger than 100MB must be submitted on read-only optical discs.

According to MPEP 608.05(c): “Sequence listings may be submitted in electronic form via EFS-Web or PatentCenter as ASCII text files or PDF files up to 100 megabytes, and on read-only optical discs when the sequence listing file size is over 100 megabytes.”

It’s important to note that these size limitations ensure efficient processing and storage of sequence listings while accommodating various file sizes.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: EFS-Web