What are the fees for recording a patent assignment?

The fees for recording a patent assignment depend on the submission method:

  • Electronic submission via EPAS (Electronic Patent Assignment System): $0
  • Paper or facsimile submission: See current fee schedule

As stated in MPEP 302.06: “If the request to record a document is submitted electronically, the fee is set forth in 37 CFR 1.21(h)(1), currently at $0. If the request to record a document is not submitted electronically (i.e., is submitted on paper or via facsimile), the applicable fee is set forth in 37 CFR 1.21(h)(2).”

It’s important to note that fees are subject to change. Always check the current USPTO fee schedule before submitting documents for recordation.

For more information on patent assignment fees, visit: patent assignment fees.

For more information on USPTO fees, visit: USPTO fees.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent assignment fees, USPTO fees