What are international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT)?

International applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) are a type of patent application that provides a unified procedure for filing patent applications in its contracting states. According to MPEP 201:

‘An international application is a national application for patent which is filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT).’

Key aspects of PCT applications:

  • Allow seeking patent protection in multiple countries simultaneously
  • Provide a streamlined filing process for international patent protection
  • Include an international search and optional international preliminary examination
  • Must enter the national phase in desired countries within specified timeframes
  • Do not result in an ‘international patent’ but facilitate national/regional patent grants

PCT applications are particularly useful for inventors seeking broad international patent protection.

For more information on Patent Cooperation Treaty, visit: Patent Cooperation Treaty.

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, MPEP 201 - Types of Applications, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Patent Cooperation Treaty