What are examples of acceptable excuses for gaps in diligence?

What are examples of acceptable excuses for gaps in diligence?

The MPEP provides several examples of acceptable excuses for gaps in diligence during the critical period:

  • Illness of the inventor
  • Extensive travel by the inventor
  • Military service by the inventor
  • Inventor’s employment that related to the invention
  • Reasonable vacation time
  • Time spent in preparing and filing a patent application or preparing technical information for filing with prospective manufacturers

As stated in MPEP 715.07(a): ‘In determining the diligence of an inventor, all the evidence must be weighed. The basic inquiry is whether, under all the circumstances of the case, the inventor or the assignee has exercised reasonable diligence.’ It’s important to note that each case is evaluated on its own merits, and what constitutes an acceptable excuse may vary depending on the specific circumstances.

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Tags: diligence, patent application