What actions can an assignee take in a pre-AIA patent application?

An assignee of a pre-AIA patent application (filed before September 16, 2012) can take various actions once they have established ownership. According to MPEP 324, these actions include:

  • Signing a reply to an Office action
  • Requesting a continued prosecution application (CPA)
  • Signing a terminal disclaimer
  • Submitting a Fee(s) Transmittal form
  • Requesting status of an application
  • Appointing a registered patent practitioner to prosecute the application
  • Granting power to inspect an application
  • Consenting to the filing of a reissue application
  • Consenting to the correction of inventorship

The MPEP states: The owner or assignee (other than a juristic entity) of a patent property based on an application filed before September 16, 2012, can take action in a patent application or patent proceeding in numerous instances. However, it’s important to note that as of September 16, 2012, juristic entities must be represented by a patent practitioner for most actions.

For more information on assignee rights, visit: assignee rights.

For more information on patent prosecution, visit: patent prosecution.

For more information on pre-AIA applications, visit: pre-AIA applications.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignee rights, patent prosecution, pre-AIA applications