Is a daytime telephone number required for patent applications filed before September 16, 2012?

While not strictly required, the USPTO recommends providing a daytime telephone number for patent applications filed before September 16, 2012. According to MPEP 403.01(b):

Pre-AIA 37 CFR 1.33(a) requests the submission of a daytime telephone number of the party to whom correspondence is to be addressed. While business is to be conducted on the written record (37 CFR 1.2), a daytime telephone number would be useful in initiating contact that could later be reduced to writing.

Key points about the daytime telephone number:

  • It is not mandatory but recommended
  • It can be changed by any party who can change the correspondence address
  • It facilitates initial contact that can later be documented in writing

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Tags: pre-AIA applications, USPTO communication