How should patent examiners communicate rejections not based on prior art?

According to MPEP 706.03, patent examiners should communicate rejections not based on prior art in a clear and thorough manner. The MPEP states:

“Deficiencies should be explained clearly, particularly when they serve as a basis for a rejection. Whenever practicable, USPTO personnel should indicate how rejections may be overcome and how problems may be resolved.”

Furthermore, the MPEP emphasizes:

“Where a rejection not based on prior art is proper (lack of adequate written description, enablement, or utility, etc.) such rejection should be stated with a full development of the reasons rather than by a mere conclusion.”

This guidance encourages examiners to:

  • Provide clear explanations for rejections
  • Offer specific reasons for each rejection
  • Suggest potential solutions or ways to overcome the rejection
  • Avoid making rejections without proper justification

By following these guidelines, examiners can help applicants better understand the issues with their applications and how to address them effectively.

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Tags: patent examination, USPTO Guidelines