How should inventor names with only a single name be presented in patent applications?

For inventors who have only a single name, there are specific guidelines for presenting their name in patent applications:

  • The single name should be listed in the Last Name field.
  • The First Name field should be left blank.
  • A period should be placed in the First Name field if the USPTO computer system requires a first name entry.

According to MPEP 602.08(b):

If an inventor’s name ‘includes’ only a single name, it should be placed in the Last Name box of the inventor data sheet (37 CFR 1.76(b)(1)) or inventor’s oath or declaration (37 CFR 1.63(a)(1)), with the First Name box blank or filled with a period (if required by the computer system to be a non-blank field).

This ensures proper recording and processing of the inventor’s name in the patent application system.

To learn more:

Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: declaration, inventor's oath