How should claims be numbered and arranged in a patent application?

The numbering and arrangement of claims in a patent application should follow the guidelines provided in 37 CFR 1.75(f) and (g). Key points include:

  • Claims should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.
  • The least restrictive claim should be presented as claim number 1.
  • Dependent claims should be grouped together with the claim or claims to which they refer, to the extent practicable.

The MPEP states: “If there are several claims, they shall be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals.” and “The least restrictive claim should be presented as claim number 1, and all dependent claims should be grouped together with the claim or claims to which they refer to the extent practicable.”

This arrangement helps examiners and others reviewing the application to quickly understand the scope and relationships between claims. For more information on claim numbering, refer to MPEP § 608.01(j).

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure