How is the information about foreign applications reflected in the issued patent and Official Gazette?

When foreign applications are properly claimed and verified in a patent application, this information is reflected in the issued patent and the Official Gazette listing. This helps establish the priority date and international scope of the invention.

The MPEP states: The front page of the patent when it is issued, and the listing in the Official Gazette, will refer to the claim of priority, giving the country, the filing date, and the number of the foreign application in those applications in which the bib-data sheet has been endorsed. (MPEP 202)

This means that for each properly claimed foreign application, the following information will be publicly available:

  • The country of filing
  • The filing date
  • The application number

It’s important to note that this information is only included for foreign applications that have been verified and endorsed on the bib-data sheet by the examiner. For more information on foreign priority claims, see MPEP § 213.

For more information on foreign applications, visit: foreign applications.

For more information on issued patent, visit: issued patent.

For more information on Official Gazette, visit: Official Gazette.

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, MPEP 202-Cross-Noting, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: foreign applications, issued patent, Official Gazette