How is assignment information printed on a patent?

Assignment information printed on a patent follows these guidelines:

  • Only the first appearing name of an assignee will be printed on the patent, even if multiple names for the same party are identified on the Fee(s) Transmittal form (PTOL-85B).
  • This printing practice does not affect the recording of assignments with the USPTO’s Assignment Division.
  • The assignee entry on the PTOL-85B should still include all assignment data as recorded in the Office.

For example: The assignee entry on form PTOL-85B should still be completed to indicate the assignment data as recorded in the Office. For example, the assignment filed in the Office and, therefore, the PTOL-85B assignee entry might read ‘Smith Company doing business as (d.b.a.) Jones Company.’ The assignee entry on the printed patent will read ‘Smith Company.’

It’s important to note that assignment information printed on a patent is not updated after issuance and may not reflect subsequent assignments recorded in the Office.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 307 - Issue to Non - Applicant Assignee, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignment information, patent printing, PTOL-85B, USPTO procedures