How is an examiner’s contact information provided in a patent office action?

In every patent office action, the examiner’s contact information is provided for applicants to reach out with inquiries or to arrange interviews. According to MPEP 707.08, “The full surname of the examiner who prepares the Office action will, in all cases, be typed at the end of the action. The name and telephone number of the examiner who should be called if the application is to be discussed or an interview arranged will also be provided in the Office action.”

Examiners use specific form paragraphs (7.100, 7.101, or 7.102) to provide this information, which typically includes:

  • Examiner’s name
  • Telephone number
  • Normal working hours
  • Supervisor’s name and contact information (if applicable)

Additionally, the form paragraphs include information on how to schedule interviews, including the option to use the USPTO Automated Interview Request (AIR) Form.

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Tags: examiner contact, office action, patent examination, USPTO communication