How is a common representative appointed in international patent applications?

In international patent applications, a common representative can be appointed in several ways. According to MPEP 402.09 and 37 CFR 1.455(b):

Appointment of an agent, attorney or common representative (PCT Rule 4.8) must be effected either in the Request form, signed by applicant, in the Demand form, signed by applicant, or in a separate power of attorney submitted either to the United States Receiving Office or to the International Bureau.

If no specific appointment is made and there are multiple applicants, the first named applicant who is entitled to file with the U.S. Receiving Office is considered the common representative by default, as stated in 37 CFR 1.455(a).

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Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: international patent applications, power of attorney, USPTO