How does the Written Opinion address novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability?

The Written Opinion addresses novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability in Box No. V of Form PCT/ISA/237. The MPEP states: Examiner statements in Box No. V can be positive or negative. If the claims define over the prior art and meet the test of novelty, inventive step (nonobviousness) and industrial applicability, a positive statement equivalent to detailed reasons for allowance in a corresponding U.S. national application should be provided, indicating how the claims meet the tests of novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability.

If the examiner finds that some or all claims lack novelty, inventive step, or industrial applicability, specific reasons must be given, similar to those used in U.S. national applications. The MPEP provides several form paragraphs (18.01, 18.02, 18.02.01, 18.02.02, and 18.03) that can be used to explain negative statements in Box No. V.

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Tags: industrial applicability, Inventive Step, novelty, pct examination