How does the USPTO handle replies in Accelerated Examination applications?

The USPTO has specific procedures for handling replies in Accelerated Examination applications:

  • Replies must be filed electronically via EFS-Web for expeditious processing
  • Any amendment not encompassed by the original accelerated examination support document requires an updated support document
  • Non-responsive replies may be given a shortened statutory period of two months to supply omissions or corrections
  • Extensions of time may be granted but will result in the application being taken out of the accelerated examination program

The MPEP states: “Any reply or other papers must be filed electronically via EFS-Web so that the papers will be expeditiously processed and considered. If the papers are not filed electronically via EFS-Web, the final disposition of the application may occur later than twelve months from the filing of the application.”

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Tags: accelerated examination, EFS-Web, patent application