How does the USPTO handle public petitions for access to patent applications?

When a member of the public files a petition for access to a patent application, the USPTO follows a specific procedure as outlined in MPEP 710.02(c):

“Where a member of the public files a petition under 37 CFR 1.14(a) for access to an application, the Office may give the applicant a specified time (usually 3 weeks) within which to state any objections to the granting of the petition for access and the reasons why it should be denied.”

Key points to note:

  • The applicant typically has 3 weeks to respond.
  • Failure to reply on time does not affect the application’s prosecution.
  • If the applicant doesn’t respond, the USPTO will decide on the petition without considering the applicant’s potential objections.

For more details on public access to patent applications, refer to MPEP § 103.

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Tags: patent applications, public access, USPTO procedures