How does the USPTO handle interviews for applications with multiple practitioners of record?

How does the USPTO handle interviews for applications with multiple practitioners of record?

The USPTO has specific guidelines for handling interviews when multiple practitioners are of record for a patent application. MPEP 408 provides guidance on this situation:

‘Where a registered practitioner has been given a power of attorney or authorization of agent, only that practitioner, a practitioner appointed in an associate power of attorney or authorization of agent, or another registered practitioner who has the permission of one of the aforementioned practitioners may conduct an interview.’

This means that when multiple practitioners are of record, any one of them can conduct the interview. However, it’s important to note that clear communication between the practitioners is crucial to ensure consistent representation of the applicant’s interests. The USPTO typically communicates with the practitioner who initiated the interview or the one designated as the primary contact for the application.

For more information on patent examination, visit: patent examination.

For more information on power of attorney, visit: power of attorney.

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, MPEP 408 - Interviews With Patent Practitioner of Record, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent examination, power of attorney