How does the USPTO handle applications with government property interests?

The USPTO has specific procedures for handling applications in which the government may have a property interest. According to the MPEP:

For those applications in which the Government has a property interest (including applications indicating national security classified subject matter), responsibility for notifying the Commissioner for Patents of the need for a Secrecy Order resides with the agency having that interest.

Additionally, the screening process identifies inventions that may be of interest to specific government agencies:

A second purpose for the screening of all applications, with an exception for provisional applications, is to identify inventions in which DOE or NASA might have property rights. See42 U.S.C. 2182,51 U.S.C. 20135, andMPEP § 150.

This process ensures that government agencies are notified of inventions that may fall under their purview and allows them to take appropriate action, such as requesting a Secrecy Order if necessary.

For more information on patent applications, visit: patent applications.

Topics: MPEP 115-Review of Applications for National Security and Property Rights Issues, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent applications