How does PDX handle international applications filed under the PCT?

The PDX system has specific procedures for handling international applications filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). According to MPEP 215.01:

The USPTO will automatically attempt retrieval of international applications filed under the PCT where the receiving office is RO/AU, RO/DK, RO/ES, RO/FI, RO/IB, RO/MA or RO/SE and the applicant has provided the required WIPO DAS access code for the international application to which foreign priority is claimed.

Key points for PCT applications:

  • Automatic retrieval attempts are made for certain PCT applications.
  • Applies to applications filed with receiving offices: RO/AU, RO/DK, RO/ES, RO/FI, RO/IB, RO/MA, or RO/SE.
  • The applicant must provide the WIPO DAS access code for the international application.
  • This process streamlines priority document retrieval for eligible PCT applications.

Applicants should ensure they provide the necessary WIPO DAS access code to facilitate this automatic retrieval process.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: international patents, PCT applications, PDX, WIPO DAS