How does copying patent claims affect the periods for reply in a patent application?

When claims are copied from a patent into an application with an unanswered rejection of record, it creates a situation with two different periods for reply. According to MPEP 710.04(a):

“Where, in an application in which there is an unanswered rejection of record, claims are copied from a patent and all of these claims are rejected there results a situation where two different periods for reply are running against the application.”

In this scenario:

  • The first period is the regular statutory period of the unanswered rejection of record.
  • The second period is the limited period set for reply to the rejection of the copied claims (either first or final).
  • The controlling date for the statutory period is the date of the last unanswered Office action on the claims other than the copied patent claims.

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Tags: patent application, reply periods, statutory period