How does an invention rely on biological material in a patent application?

An invention can rely on biological material in a patent application in various ways, as described in MPEP 2404:

The invention may rely on a biological material for the purposes of making or using the invention, either as a preferred mode or an alternative mode of operation.

This means that biological material can be integral to an invention in several contexts:

  • As a component necessary for making the invention
  • As an element required for using or implementing the invention
  • As part of the preferred embodiment or best mode of the invention
  • As an alternative method or variant of the invention

Inventors should clearly describe how the biological material relates to their invention in the patent application, regardless of whether a deposit is required or not.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2400 - Biotechnology, MPEP 2404 - Need Or Opportunity To Make A Deposit, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: biological material, biotechnology patents, Invention Reliance