How do I properly identify patent correspondence?

When filing patent correspondence, you should include the following identifying information:

  • Application number (checked for accuracy, including series code and serial number)
  • Art Unit number (copied from most recent Office communication)
  • Filing date
  • Name of the examiner who prepared the most recent Office action
  • Title of invention
  • Confirmation number

As stated in 37 CFR 1.5(a): ‘When correspondence directed to the Patent and Trademark Office concerns a previously filed application for a patent, it must identify on the top page in a conspicuous location, the application number (consisting of the series code and the serial number; e.g., 07/123,456), or the serial number and filing date assigned to that application by the Patent and Trademark Office, or the international application number of the international application, or the international registration number of an international design application.’

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, MPEP 502 - Depositing Correspondence, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: application identification, MPEP 502, patent correspondence