How do I mark changes in a corrected ADS for benefit claims?

How do I mark changes in a corrected Application Data Sheet (ADS) for benefit claims?

When submitting a corrected Application Data Sheet (ADS) to add or correct a benefit claim, it’s crucial to properly mark the changes. According to MPEP 211.02(a):

The corrected ADS must identify the information that is being changed with underlining for insertions and strike-through or brackets for text removed as required by 37 CFR 1.76(c)(2).

To properly mark changes in a corrected ADS:

  • Insertions: Underline new text
  • Deletions: Use strike-through or brackets for removed text
  • Existing information: Include all information from the original ADS, even if unchanged

It’s important to note that the entire benefit claim must be underlined if you’re adding a new benefit claim. This helps the USPTO easily identify and process the changes to your application.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: ADS