How do I calculate the application size fee for a patent application?

How do I calculate the application size fee for a patent application?

The application size fee is an additional charge for patent applications exceeding a certain number of pages. Here’s how to calculate it:

  1. Count the total number of pages in your application, including specification, claims, abstract, and drawings.
  2. Subtract 100 from the total page count (the first 100 pages are included in the basic filing fee).
  3. If the result is positive, multiply it by the per-page fee.

According to MPEP 607: “The application size fee applies to any application filed under 35 U.S.C. 111 … the number of pages of specification, claims, and drawings (including all pages containing part of one of those items) is more than 100 pages.”

For current fee amounts, refer to the USPTO Fee Schedule. Remember, the application size fee is in addition to the basic filing fee.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: application size fee, USPTO fees