How can I schedule an interview with a patent examiner?

To schedule an interview with a patent examiner, you can follow these steps:

  1. Use the USPTO’s Automated Interview Request (AIR) Form at (recommended).
  2. Alternatively, contact the examiner by letter, facsimile, electronic mail, telephone, or using the “Applicant Initiated Interview Request” form (PTOL-413A).
  3. Provide the following information:
    • Participants of the interview
    • Proposed date of the interview
    • Communication mode (e.g., personal, telephonic, or video conference)
    • Brief description of the issues to be discussed

As stated in MPEP 713.01: “An interview should be arranged in advance to insure that the primary examiner and/or the examiner in charge of the application will be available.”

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Tags: Interview Scheduling, patent examination, patent interviews, Uspto Air Form