How can I regain micro entity status after losing it?

To regain micro entity status after losing it, you must file a new certification of entitlement to micro entity status. As stated in MPEP 509.04(e):

Once a notification of a loss of entitlement to micro entity status is filed in the application or patent, a new certification of entitlement to micro entity status is required to again obtain micro entity status.

This means you must:

  • Ensure you meet the criteria for micro entity status as defined in 37 CFR 1.29(a) or 1.29(d)
  • File a new certification form (PTO/SB/15A or PTO/SB/15B) in the application or patent
  • Meet all other requirements for micro entity status

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent fees, USPTO