How can I find the current location or status of a patent application?

According to MPEP 102, when it is desired to determine the current location or status of an application, USPTO personnel should use Patent Data Portal. However, it’s important to note that:

“If the application is an Image File Wrapper (IFW) application, no location is associated with the file.”

For public inquiries about application status, the recommended methods are:

  • Checking Patent Center or Private PAIR on the USPTO website
  • Contacting the Application Assistance Unit (AAU) for pre-examination or post-examination processing applications
  • Calling the Technology Center (TC) to which the application is assigned for information about replies or expected Office actions

The assignment of an application to a TC can be determined from Patent Data Portal.

For more information on USPTO Resources, visit: USPTO Resources.

Topics: MPEP 102-Information as to Status of an Application, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: USPTO Resources