How can I file a Petition to Make Special based on environmental quality?

How can I file a Petition to Make Special based on environmental quality?

To file a Petition to Make Special based on environmental quality, your invention must materially enhance the quality of the environment. According to MPEP 708.02(III):

The petition and accompanying papers should include the following:

  • Statement of the field of environmental quality that the invention affects.
  • Statement of how the invention materially enhances the quality of the environment.
  • Statement that the materiality of the invention’s contribution is substantial.
  • Explanation of the state of the art in the field and how the invention has moved the art substantially beyond its previous boundaries.

The MPEP further states: Applicant must show that the invention materially enhances the quality of the environment by contributing to the restoration or maintenance of the basic life-sustaining natural elements. This means your invention should have a significant positive impact on air, water, or soil quality.

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Tags: patent application, petition to make special