How can expert skepticism be used to support a patent application?

Expert skepticism can be a powerful tool to support a patent application, particularly in demonstrating nonobviousness. The MPEP provides guidance on this:

The skepticism of an expert, expressed before these inventors proved him wrong, is entitled to fair evidentiary weight, . . . as are the five to six years of research that preceded the claimed invention. (MPEP 716.05)

To use expert skepticism effectively:

  • Document expressions of disbelief or doubt from recognized experts in the field
  • Provide evidence of failed attempts by others to solve the problem
  • Show how your invention overcame the skepticism
  • Include timeline of research and development to demonstrate the non-trivial nature of the invention

This evidence can help rebut prima facie obviousness rejections and strengthen your patent application.

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Tags: evidence, expert skepticism, nonobviousness, patent application