How can applicants ensure successful retrieval of priority documents under PDX?

To ensure successful retrieval of priority documents under PDX, applicants should follow these guidelines from MPEP 215.01:

Applicants are strongly encouraged to cite the foreign application using an acceptable format (see MPEP § 214.04) and use proper and consistent citation format throughout the U.S. application.

Key points for successful retrieval include:

  • Provide proper, complete, and consistent citations of foreign priority applications and filing dates.
  • Use an acceptable format for citing foreign applications (refer to MPEP § 214.04).
  • Ensure the foreign priority claim is complete to prevent retrieval issues.
  • Check the Private Patent Application and Information Retrieval (PAIR) system to confirm successful retrieval.

Remember, a successful retrieval typically takes about one week to complete.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: citation format, foreign applications, PDX, priority documents