How are sequence listings handled in the Image File Wrapper?

How are sequence listings handled in the Image File Wrapper?

Sequence listings in patent applications are handled differently in the Image File Wrapper (IFW) system:

  • Sequence listings, if filed on paper, are scanned into the IFW.
  • If filed on compact disc (CD), the sequence listing is stored in the Automated Patent System (APS).
  • A placeholder sheet is scanned into the IFW to indicate the presence of the CD.

According to MPEP 719.01: ‘For Image File Wrapper applications, if the sequence listing is filed on paper, it will be scanned into the IFW. Sequence listings filed on compact disc (pursuant to 37 CFR 1.52(e)) are stored in the Automated Patent System (APS) and a placeholder sheet will be scanned into the IFW to indicate that the sequence listing is present in the application.’

This approach allows for efficient storage and retrieval of large sequence listings while maintaining a complete digital record of the application contents.

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Tags: biotechnology patents, image file wrapper, USPTO procedures