How are proprietary materials handled under MPEP § 724.02?

How are proprietary materials handled under MPEP § 724.02?

Proprietary materials submitted under MPEP § 724.02 are handled with special care to protect sensitive information. The MPEP states:

‘Proprietary information, which is information not trade secret information but which the submitter considers to be sensitive, may be submitted in a patent application or reexamination proceeding subject to the provisions of this section.’

This means that proprietary materials are treated similarly to trade secrets. They may include:

  • Technical data
  • Research results
  • Business strategies
  • Confidential agreements

When submitting proprietary materials, applicants should follow the procedures outlined in MPEP § 724.02 to ensure proper handling and protection of the information during the patent examination process.

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Tags: confidential information, patent application