How are major events in reexamination proceedings reported to OPSG?

Major events in reexamination proceedings are reported to the One Patent Service Gateway (OPSG) system to monitor the progress of these cases. MPEP 2235 states:

The OPSG system is used to monitor major events that take place in processing reexamination proceedings. During initial processing all major pre-ex parte examination events are reported. During the ex parte phase, the mailing of examiner’s actions is reported as well as owner’s responses thereto.

Examples of reported events include:

  • Determination mailed (grant or denial of reexamination request)
  • Petition decisions
  • Receipt of owner and requester responses
  • Mailing of examiner actions

These events are recorded in the “Contents” portion of the application records and reflected in the status display.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 2200 - Citation Of Prior Art And Ex Parte Reexamination Of Patents, MPEP 2235 - Record Systems, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Opsg, patent procedure, Reexamination Events, uspto monitoring