How are errors in prior application data on the bib-data sheet corrected?

Errors in prior application data on the bib-data sheet are corrected as follows:

  1. If the error is in the preprinted data: The examiner can have the technical support staff of the Technology Center make corrections in the Patent Data Portal database.
  2. If the error is an applicant error: The examiner should require correction via a corrected or supplemental application data sheet or an amendment, as appropriate.

MPEP 202 states: “Upon entry of the data, a new bib-data sheet should be printed and scanned into the file. If the error was an applicant error, the examiner should require correction via a corrected or supplemental application data sheet or an amendment, as appropriate. See MPEP § 601.05 et seq. and MPEP § 211.02(a). A petition for an unintentionally delayed benefit claim may also be required. See MPEP § 211.04.”

Topics: MPEP 200 - Types and Status of Application; Benefit and Priority Claims, MPEP 202-Cross-Noting, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: bib-data sheet errors, correction procedures, patent examination, prior application data