How are applications under secrecy order handled at the USPTO?

How are applications under secrecy order handled at the USPTO?

Applications under secrecy order at the USPTO are handled with strict security measures. According to MPEP 121, these applications are:

  • Stored in special safes or in metal cabinets equipped with three-position dial-type combination locks
  • Never removed from these secure storage areas except for processing
  • Processed and examined only by properly cleared personnel

The MPEP states: ‘Applications bearing national security markings must be stored in a safe or in metal cabinets equipped with a bar and a padlock.’ This ensures that access to these sensitive applications is strictly controlled and limited to authorized individuals only.

For more information on patent application handling, visit: patent application handling.

Topics: MPEP 121-Handling of Applications under Secrecy Order and/or Bearing National Security Markings, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: patent application handling