Does submitting a deficiency payment affect my micro entity status?

Yes, submitting a deficiency payment for micro entity fee errors affects your micro entity status. According to 37 CFR 1.29(k)(4):

Any deficiency payment (based on a previous erroneous payment of a micro entity fee) submitted under this paragraph will be treated as a notification of a loss of entitlement to micro entity status under paragraph (i) of this section.

This means that by submitting a deficiency payment, you are effectively notifying the USPTO that you are no longer entitled to micro entity status. After making the deficiency payment, you will need to pay fees at the small entity or non-small entity rate, as applicable, unless you file a new certification of micro entity status.

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Topics: MPEP 500 - Receipt and Handling of Mail and Papers, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: micro entity, patent fees, USPTO procedures