Can partial access be granted to an assignment document?

The USPTO does not grant partial access to assignment documents. According to MPEP 301.01:

The Office will not open only certain parts of an assignment document to public inspection. If such a document contains two or more items, any one of which, if alone, would be open to such inspection, then the entire document will be open.

This policy ensures transparency and prevents selective disclosure of information. It’s important to note that this approach can have implications for documents that contain both public and potentially confidential information. For example:

  • If a document covers both a trademark and a patent application, the entire document becomes public.
  • If a document covers multiple patent applications, it becomes public as soon as any one of the applications is published or patented.

This policy underscores the importance of carefully considering what information is included in assignment documents, particularly when dealing with a mix of public and non-public intellectual property rights.

For more information on assignment documents, visit: assignment documents.

For more information on public inspection, visit: public inspection.

For more information on USPTO policy, visit: USPTO policy.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 301-Ownership/Assignability of Patents and Applications, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignment documents, public inspection, USPTO policy