Can one co-inventor revoke a power of attorney in a patent application?

Can one co-inventor revoke a power of attorney in a patent application?

No, a single co-inventor cannot unilaterally revoke a power of attorney in a patent application. The MPEP 402.10 states:

A power of attorney may not be revoked by less than all of the applicants or owners of the entire interest without good and sufficient reason, and the revocation must be approved by the Director.

This means that to revoke a power of attorney, all co-inventors or owners of the entire interest must agree to the revocation. If a single co-inventor wishes to revoke the power of attorney, they must provide a good and sufficient reason, and the revocation must be approved by the Director of the USPTO.

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Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: power of attorney, revocation