Can multiple correspondence addresses be used for a single patent application?

Generally, the USPTO maintains only one correspondence address for each patent application. As stated in MPEP 403:

‘The Office will direct all notices, official letters, and other communications relating to the application to a single correspondence address.’

However, there are exceptions:

  • Powers of attorney to different practitioners may be present in an application, but only one correspondence address is recognized.
  • In reexamination proceedings, a ‘duplicate copy’ may be sent to a different address.
  • Maintenance fee reminders may be sent to a ‘fee address’ that differs from the correspondence address.

It’s important to note that while multiple addresses may be associated with an application for specific purposes, the USPTO will generally communicate with only one primary correspondence address.

For more information on Correspondence Address, visit: Correspondence Address.

For more information on USPTO, visit: USPTO.

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, MPEP 403 - Correspondence — With Whom Held; Customer Number Practice, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: Correspondence Address, USPTO