Can I submit assignment documents for multiple patents or applications in one EPAS submission?

Can I submit assignment documents for multiple patents or applications in one EPAS submission?

Yes, you can submit assignment documents for multiple patents or applications in a single EPAS submission. This feature is particularly useful for bulk assignments or when dealing with related patent families. Here’s how it works:

  • Upload a single assignment document that covers multiple patents or applications.
  • Enter the relevant patent or application numbers during the submission process.
  • EPAS will associate the document with all specified patents or applications.

The MPEP 302.10 does not explicitly mention this capability, but it is a feature of the EPAS system designed to improve efficiency for users handling multiple assignments. Always ensure that the assignment document clearly identifies all patents or applications it covers.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: EPAS