Can I submit a working model of my invention to the USPTO?

Yes, you can submit a working model of your invention to the USPTO, but it’s generally not required unless specifically requested by the examiner. According to MPEP 608.03(a):

‘Models or exhibits are not required in most patent applications since the description of the invention in the specification and the drawings must be sufficiently full, clear, and complete and capable of being understood to disclose the invention without the aid of a model.’

However, there are situations where a model might be beneficial or required:

  • If the examiner determines that a model is necessary to understand the invention.
  • In applications involving perpetual motion devices, where a working model is required.
  • When you believe a model would substantially improve the understanding of your invention.

If you decide to submit a model, ensure it complies with USPTO size and safety requirements, and follow the proper procedures for submission as outlined in the MPEP.

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Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: USPTO submission