Can I submit a patent assignment electronically?

Yes, you can submit a patent assignment electronically through the USPTO’s Electronic Patent Assignment System (EPAS). This is the recommended method for several reasons:

  • It’s free – there is no recordation fee for electronic submissions
  • It’s fast – documents are processed more quickly
  • It’s convenient – you can submit 24/7 from anywhere with internet access

As stated in MPEP 302.10: “Assignments and other documents affecting title may be submitted to the Office via the Office’s Electronic Patent Assignment System (EPAS).”

To use EPAS, you’ll need to complete an online cover sheet and upload a copy of the assignment document. The signature on the electronic cover sheet must comply with USPTO regulations for electronic signatures.

For more information and to access EPAS, visit the USPTO EPAS website.

For more information on electronic patent assignment, visit: electronic patent assignment.

For more information on EPAS, visit: EPAS.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: electronic patent assignment, EPAS