Can I record an assignment for a pending patent application?

Can I record an assignment for a pending patent application?

Yes, you can record an assignment for a pending patent application. In fact, the USPTO encourages early recordation of assignments. According to MPEP 302:

An assignment relating to a patent must identify the patent by the patent number. An assignment relating to a national patent application must identify the national patent application by the application number (consisting of the series code and the serial number, e.g., 07/123,456). An assignment relating to an international patent application which designates the United States of America must identify the international application by the international application number (e.g., PCT/US90/01234).

To record an assignment for a pending application:

  • Use the application number to identify the application
  • Ensure all necessary parties have signed the assignment document
  • Submit the assignment document along with the required cover sheet and fee to the USPTO

Early recordation can help establish clear ownership and facilitate future transactions or licensing agreements.

For more information on USPTO procedures, visit: USPTO procedures.

Topics: MPEP 300 - Ownership and Assignment, MPEP 302 - Recording of Assignment Documents, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: USPTO procedures