Can an assignee control access to a patent application?

Yes, an assignee of record of the entire interest in a patent application can control access to it. According to MPEP 106, “The applicant or assignee of record of the entire interest in an application may file an application or intervene in the prosecution of the application, appointing an attorney or agent of his or her own choice.” This means that the assignee can manage the application’s prosecution and potentially limit access to it.

However, it’s important to note that “Such an application filing or intervention, however, does not exclude the inventor from access to the application to see that it is being prosecuted properly, unless the applicant or assignee makes specific request to that effect.” Any request to prevent the inventor’s access must be filed separately and directed to the Office of Petitions.

For more information on assignee rights, visit: assignee rights.

For more information on inventor access, visit: inventor access.

For more information on Office of Petitions, visit: Office of Petitions.

Topics: MPEP 106-Control of Inspection by Assignee, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: assignee rights, inventor access, Office of Petitions