Can a registered practitioner sign an affidavit or declaration on behalf of an inventor?

Yes, a registered practitioner can sign an affidavit or declaration on behalf of an inventor under certain circumstances. According to MPEP 717.01(c):

‘A registered practitioner may sign an affidavit or declaration on behalf of an assignee of the entire interest when (A) the practitioner is authorized to act on behalf of the assignee, and (B) the practitioner has reviewed the affidavit or declaration and determined that the contents thereof are true and correct.’

However, it’s important to note that the practitioner must have firsthand knowledge of the facts being attested to or must have reviewed the affidavit or declaration and determined its contents to be true and correct. The practitioner’s signature in this case is subject to 37 CFR 11.18, which outlines the responsibilities and potential consequences of signing documents submitted to the USPTO.

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Tags: affidavits, declarations, inventor signature, registered practitioner