Can a petition to expunge be filed for information in an abandoned application?

Can a petition to expunge be filed for information in an abandoned application?

Yes, a petition to expunge can be filed for information in an abandoned application. However, there are specific considerations and limitations. According to MPEP 724.05:

‘A petition to expunge information or a copy of papers in an application file after the application has been abandoned may be addressed to the Office of Petitions.’

This means that even after an application has been abandoned, it is still possible to file a petition to expunge information. However, it’s important to note that the petition should be directed to the Office of Petitions rather than following the standard procedure for active applications. The decision to grant such a petition will likely depend on various factors, including the nature of the information to be expunged and the reasons for the request.

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Tags: abandoned application, Office of Petitions, patent procedure