Can a patent practitioner sign a substitute statement on behalf of a juristic entity?

According to MPEP 604, a patent practitioner cannot automatically sign a substitute statement on behalf of a juristic entity. The MPEP states:

Note: a power of attorney to a patent practitioner to prosecute a patent application executed by the juristic entity does not make that practitioner an official of the juristic entity or empower the practitioner to sign the substitute statement.

For a juristic entity, the substitute statement may be signed by:

  • A person in the organization with apparent authority to sign (e.g., an officer)
  • Any person if the statement sets forth that the person is authorized to act on behalf of the juristic entity (e.g., the general counsel)

This ensures that the substitute statement is executed by someone with proper authority within the organization.

To learn more:

Topics: Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: juristic entity, power of attorney, substitute statement