Can a legal representative use an S-signature for patent documents?

Can a legal representative use an S-signature for patent documents?

Yes, a legal representative can use an S-signature for patent documents, provided they meet the following requirements:

  • The S-signature must be inserted between forward slash marks
  • The signer’s name must be presented in printed or typed form
  • The capacity of the signer must be included with the signature

The MPEP 402.03 states: ‘When an S-signature is employed in a document filed with the Office in connection with a patent or application, it must be accompanied by the printed or typed name of the signer. The number and qualification of persons required to execute a particular document are governed by the statute requiring the document and applicable regulations.’

For legal representatives, it’s crucial to include their capacity (e.g., attorney, agent) along with their S-signature to ensure compliance with USPTO requirements.

To learn more:

Topics: MPEP 400 - Representative of Applicant or Owner, Patent Law, Patent Procedure
Tags: legal representative, patent documents